Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Philippians 1:20

20 I eagerly expect and hope that I will in no way be ashamed, but will have sufficient courage so that now as always Christ will be exalted in my body, whether by life or by death.

~ How would you define being ashamed?  How does the dictionary define it? How are you affected by this word?
~ Taking it in context with the prior verses, what do you think Paul meant by verse 20?


  1. Here is one of the definitions I found. Ashamed:Reluctant to do something through fear of embarrassment or humiliation.
    I guess I feel like being ashamed is a trap. If I am ashamed to speak when I am called to do so and so do not, then I feel ashamed for not speaking. If I am ashamed to help when I am called to do so and so do not, then I feel ashamed for not helping. It's to me like downward spiral that traps you. In my flesh I am some what of a coward(which is something else I also feel ashamed about,go figure)yet I have found courage in Christ and through His word. When I read Paul's letters I am encouraged and inspired through him just the way I am sure God intended it to be. He was just a regular guy who struggled to yet through his relationship with the Lord he did amazing things. To me it seems Paul had reached a place where he saw the real value of his life was Christ, to teach and preach the good news of Christ and to share Christ love with others. His desire was to exalt Christ through his life and death.His courage was not his own but came from Christ. My prayer is that I would take hold of the boldness and courage Christ has already given me. Though shame might knock at my door I pray I will not answer and instead let Jesus take that one.

  2. Please pray for me that I not rely on my feelings so much. Pray that I WILL myself to do things that are best for me anyways. Please pray against passivity, procrastination and laziness.
