Monday, August 8, 2011

Colossians 2:6-7

Spiritual Fullness in Christ
6 So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live your lives in him, 7 rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness.

~ Based on these verses, why is it important to know God through His word?  Can one live in Him, be rooted and built up in Him without being in His word?  How have you witnessed yourself or others struggle to walk in Him daily due to a lack of time with Him in His word?
~ What would be the cause for one to "overflow with thankfulness"?  Would this be true of you today?  Why or why not?


  1. 1)because it says that Jesus is the Word. That he is the Word become flesh.
    2) No
    3) absolutely yes
    4) the more you are "in Him", the more you will be thankful. The more you know Him the more you will be thankful. How can I be thankful if my life was just saved from a tragic car wreck and I had no idea of it? If I'm aware that my life was just saved from a tragic wreck, I'm overflowing with thankfulness. The more I know and understand the sacrifice that was made to save my life, the more thankful I become. The more aware I am of the width, depth, length, someone went through to save me from it, I'm even more thankful. The more you are aware of, the more thankful you become.

  2. I like what Amber said...Jesus is the Word. It's been true in my life that being in the Word is what keeps me rooted and built up in Him. A big part of my motivation to do this study was because of my own struggles in summers past to stay in the Word. When summer hits I always seem to get busy and start to put other things first. By the end of the summer I would always be spiritually malnourished. This year I decided to be proactive and prayed for a way to stay focused and in the Word through this summer. I've seen such a difference in my walk this summer compared to summers past and I know it's because I am spending time with Him in the Word which is keeping me rooted in Him.

    As I am taken through trials and tests that stretch and strengthen my faith I get to witness His work in my life, I get to experience a relationship with Him and it is like nothing else I've ever experienced. There was once an emptiness in me that was dark and hollow and to now feel full and alive I am completely aware that this is not of me and I know the contrast between the two because I've experienced them both. Thankfulness overflows from the understanding that my life without Christ was empty but my life in Christ is full and overflowing.
